Monday, October 31, 2011
Photobucket Supplies Tube: I am using the awesome art from Ismael Rac. Please don’t use this tube unless you have the proper license for it and it was obtained legally. HERE Mask: Vix Mask_Halloween0901 HERE Scrap kit: Monster Among Us by Brenda of Brenda’s Scrap Design HERE Font: JI-Blench I don't remember where I got this and I have searched the web for it but can't find it. Any Halloween font will work. Outside Filters: Eye Candy 3.1 Glass Eye Candy 3.1 Glow Xero Porcelain Let’s get started bsd_MAU_element122 Duplicate frame by shift+D Resize 22% then 50% all layers checked. Image canvas size 750 x750 Photobucket bsd_MAU_paper3 Resize 99% all layers checked Copy & Paste (C&P) paper behind frame. Apply mask by Layers, New mask layer, From image. Photobucket Merge group. Duplicate mask layer. On original mask layer Adjust, Blur, Gaussian Blur 15.00 Photobucket Effects, Textures, Mosaic Glass, Photobucket default settings. Photobucket Add drop shadow 2, 2, 50, 5. bsd_MAU_paper8 Resize 64% then 50% all layers checked. Copy. Back to frame level, with magic wand click inside frame. Select, modify, expand by 8, Photobucket paste paper and place behind frame, resize by 50% all layers NOT checked. Selections, invert, delete key. bsd_MAU_element18 bsd_MAU_element19 Do the following to both elements: Resize 50% all layers checked, C&P on top of frame, resize again to your liking and place in top left corner. bsd_MAU_element4 bsd_MAU_element6 bsd_MAU_element7 bsd_MAU_element8 bsd_MAU_element9 Resize all elements to your liking. C&P and place in lower left corner, mirror some. Go back to frame level, click magic wand in frame, selections, modify by 8, paste tube of choice, resize and place where you want them. Duplicate tube layer. Go back to original tube layer, selections, invert, delete key. Place this below frame. On duplicate tube erase the parts you want deleted. Put drop shadow on all layers with settings below. Photobucket Merge visible, copy and paste as a new image. This should have resized it some. Resize down to your liking, not to exceed 525 X 525. Add copyright and watermark. Thanks for checking out my tut. Would love to see your results. I hope you enjoyed my tut. Photobucket


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A note

I remember what it was like when just starting out in Paint Shop Pro. There are lots of wonderful tuts out there, but most of them are for experienced taggers. It is hard to find a tut if you are a beginner, so I will try to write all my tuts so the beginner can learn and follow along. There will be lots of screen shots to make it easier on you. I apologize to the experienced taggers, but I think that it is good to help out the beginners all we can. Thanks for understanding.

