Saturday, February 11, 2012

Scrap Kit: Paint Your Dreams by Creative Scraps by Crys HERE

Tube: PinUp Toons Painter I got this at CILM but you can get it at CDO HERE

Mask: WSL_Mask38 HERE

Font: Shelley Volante HERE

Let’s get started.

I like to work on large canvases and resize at the end. All the resizing %’s are based on the large canvas. If you work with smaller canvases you will need to readjust your % numbers.

Kit Pieces Used:
Paper 8 Island Resize 80%
House Resize 70% Duplicate Resize 25% then 80%
Breeze2 Resize 70% Duplicate
Scatter Resize 50%
Butterflies Resize 70%
Butterfly scatter Resize 65%
Dreamingirl Resize 40% mirror
Butterfly Resize 25% Duplicate, mirror
Word art5 Resize 40%

Open a canvas of 900 X 775. C&P paper 8 as a new layer. Apply mask. Merge group.
Photobucket Photobucket

C&P Island and place towards bottom.
C&P House, place where desired.
C&P tube. Resize 70%
Duplicate House resize and place on easel.
C&P other elements and place where desired.
I mirrored the girl and placed her chasing the butterflies.
On scatter use MuraMeister’s Copies
On word art apply glow
Add drop shadow to all layers. I used 5, 5, 50, 5 on all except the mask layer, which I used 2, 2, 50, 5.
Add your copyright and watermark.
Add names or snag words, and we are done.
I hope you enjoyed my tut. If you work it up I would love to see your results.
Please send them to: Thanks.


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A note

I remember what it was like when just starting out in Paint Shop Pro. There are lots of wonderful tuts out there, but most of them are for experienced taggers. It is hard to find a tut if you are a beginner, so I will try to write all my tuts so the beginner can learn and follow along. There will be lots of screen shots to make it easier on you. I apologize to the experienced taggers, but I think that it is good to help out the beginners all we can. Thanks for understanding.

