Thursday, December 8, 2011
Photobucket I like to work on a large canvas and then size down at the end. It is easier for me because of my eyesight. Also this tut is entirely of my own imagination, any resemblance is purely coincidental. Supplies: Scrap Kit: The scrap kit I am using is called Snow Fighting Allowed by Gina at KiKeKa Kits and can be purchased HERE Mask: The mask I am using is Vix_ChristmasMask1 which you can find HERE Tube: I am using the awesome artwork of Ismael Rac which you can find HERE Font: I am using Santa's Sleigh Full which you can find HERE Start with a canvas size of 900 X 775. This gives me plenty of room to place the elements where I like them. We will resize later. You don’t have to start big if you don’t want to, but remember that the resizing listed is based on the large canvas. This tut is to be used as a guideline only, you don’t have to follow it exactly. Start with cbg_snowfightingallowed_paper3. Copy & Paste (C&P) paper onto your canvas. Resize 75% 4 times. Layers, new mask layer, from image, apply mask, layers, merge, merge visible. Colorize paper using the following chart. Resize 110%. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket cbg_snowfightingallowed_frame04 Resize 35% ALL layers checked. C&P, resize 75%. With the magic wand click inside frame, selections, modify, expand, expand by 12. C&P cbg_snowfightingallowed_paper06 resize 50% 3 times, move paper to your liking. Selections, invert, delete key, selections, selection none. Place below frame. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket The following elements are a guideline for your tag, you may resize and place your elements to your liking. Remember to place a drop shadow of 5, 5, 50, 5, or one of your choice. Also remember that these resizes are for the large canvas, if using a smaller canvas your resizes will be different than mine. Photobucket Photobucket cbg_snowfightingallowed_snowman05 Resize 47% ALL layers checked. C&P resize 50% 2 times all layers NOT checked. cbg_snowfightingallowed_deer01 Resize 58% ALL layers checked. C&P Resize 50% then 75% all layers NOT checked. cbg_snowfightingallowed_deer02 Resize 66% ALL layers checked. C&P Resize 50% then 65% all layers NOT checked. cbg_snowfightingallowed_bear Resize 60% ALL layers checked. C&P Mirror, resize 50% 2 times all layers NOT checked. cbg_snowfightingallowed_carrot Resize 50% 4 times all layers NOT checked. Duplicate, mirror. cbg_snowfightingallowed_dangle Resize 38% ALL layers checked. Resize 50% 2 times, duplicate. cbg_snowfightingallowed_tree02 Resize 34% ALL layers checked. Resize 50% 1 time. Here I save in psp form in case I want to change anything later. Then merge visible. Copy and paste as new image. Resize down to less than 600 X 600. Add your copyright info and watermark. We are finished. Photobucket I hope you enjoyed my tut, I would love to see your results. Send them to me at with Snow Fighting Allowed in subject line and I will put them on my blog.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Photobucket Supplies: Mask: sg_Christmas6 Not sure where I got this mask so I am including it here, just right click and save. If this is your mask please let me know and I will credit you or remove it. Thanks. Photobucket Tube: My choice is from Eugene Rzhevskii at Pics for Designs. Please don’t use this tube unless you have a license and have acquired it legally. HERE Scrap Kit: Scrap kit from Naughty Angelz Creation’z and can be purchased HERE Font: Shelley Volante HERE I like to work on a large canvas and then size down at the end. It is easier for me because of my eyesight. Also this tut is entirely of my own imagination, any resemblance is purely coincidental. Start with a canvas size of 950 X 775. This gives me plenty of room to place the elements where I like them. We will resize later. You don’t have to start big if you don’t want to. Flood fill with #d06183. Open your mask in psp, layers, new mask layer, from image. Merge group. Put a light drop shadow of 2, 2, 50, 5 on, or one of your choice. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Copy & Paste (C&P) fr2. Resize 150%, adjust, sharpness, sharpen. Place in center of mask. Using the magic wand click inside frame, selections, modify, expand 12. C&P pp6, selections, invert, delete key, selections, select none. Place below frame layer. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Put your tube in here. I used the awesome artwork of Eugene Rzhevskii, but you may use another one if you like. Remember, tuts are just guidelines, you don’t have to follow them exactly. The following elements are a guideline for your tag, you may resize and place your elements to your liking. Remember to place a drop shadow of 5, 5, 50, 5, or one of your choice. Also remember that these resizes are for the large canvas, if using a smaller canvas your resizes will be different than mine. Ele7 Resize 65% then 60%. Ele11 Resize 50% 2 times, duplicate 3 times so you have 4 snowflakes. Ele14 Resize 50%. I separated the words and placed them closer together. Ele15 Resize 65% 3 times, duplicate 2 times so you have 3 light pink packages. Ele18 Don’t resize, leave as is. Ele19 Resize 50% then 75%. Ele21 Resize 65% then 75%. Ele22 Resize 85%. Ele33 Resize 65% 2 times. Ele37 Resize 65% 2 times. Ele51 Resize 65% 2 times, duplicate 3 times so you have 4 dark pink packages. Ele55 Resize 75%. Ele57 Resize 65% then 75%. Here I save in psp form in case I want to change anything later. Then merge visible. Copy and paste as new image. Resize down to less than 600 X 600. Add your copyright info and watermark. We are finished. Photobucket I hope you enjoyed my tut, I would love to see your results. Send them to me at with Frosted Pink Christmas in subject line and I will put them on my blog.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Photobucket Scrap kit by Gina of Gina’s Gems Scraps, her blog is HERE and you can purchase this beautiful kit HERE Mask is sg_Christmas5 I don’t remember where I got this mask so if it is yours please let me know so I can credit. Right click and save mask. Photobucket The tube I am using I bought at CILM, but can now be found at CDO HERE Font used is St. Nicholas found HERE I am using PSP9. Let’s get started. I like to work on a big canvas and resize everything down at the end. So open a new canvas 850 X 750. We will resize at the end. All resizing and drop shadows are just suggestions. You may resize all to your liking. GGS_ CandyCaneDreams_Paper7 Copy and paste into new canvas, making sure it covers the whole canvas by resizing 125% all layers NOT checked. Open your mask in psp. Image, new mask layer, from image. Apply mask, merge group. Resize mask 85%. Apply drop shadow shown below. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Apply tube in center of mask. Position as desired. Photobucket GGS_ CandyCaneDreams_GiftBox9 Click on your selection tool, with settings below, very carefully click around the lid on box, (see below), invert, copy bottom of box. DO NOT select none yet. Paste box in front of tube, making it appear as if she is inside the box. Undo invert, copy top of box. Rotate top of box to the left 25%. Lean against box. Photobucket Photobucket GGS_ CandyCaneDreams_PoinsettiaArrangement1 Rotate to the left 95 degrees. Place at bottom left. GGS_CandyCaneDreams_SnowyRowanBerries C&P Rotate left 125 degrees. Resize 50% then 78%. Remove the stem. Place under poinsettia. Duplicate twice. Mirror one. Resize 95%. Rotate to the right to your liking. Second duplicate flip, rotate to your liking, place in center. The Holly Branch is in the Add on part of the kit. Resize 50% All layers checked. C&P Flip, resize 70% all layers NOT checked. Duplicate, mirror. Place under berries on both sides. GGS_CandyCaneDreams_SnowySpruceBranch Resize 50% ALL layers checked. C&P Resize 80% all layers NOT checked. Duplicate, mirror, place below box lid. GGS_CandyCaneDreams_BowwithBell7 C&P Resize 50% all layers NOT checked. Place in top left. GGS_CandyCaneDreams_Butterfly1 Resize 50% ALL layers checked. C&P Resize 75% all layers NOT checked. Rotate R 10 degrees. Place in upper left. GGS_CandyCaneDreams_Butterfly5 Resize 50% ALL layers checked. C&P Mirror, resize 50% NOT checked. Place in upper right. GGS_CandyCaneDreams_CharmingWrap2 C&P Rotate R 40 degrees. Resize 60% all layers NOT checked. Remove parts of ribbon that hang over the edge of the mask layer. Choose 3 Christmas Balls. Resize and arrange to your liking. Duplicate, resize duplicate. Move the duplicate one to the right side and place under berries. The original move to the left and place as to layer. Put a drop shadow on all layers. Photobucket Merge visible. Copy and paste as new image. Resize down to proper tag size. Add your copyright info and water mark. We are done. Photobucket I hope that you enjoyed my tut. If you use my tut I would love to see your results, so send them to me at

A note

I remember what it was like when just starting out in Paint Shop Pro. There are lots of wonderful tuts out there, but most of them are for experienced taggers. It is hard to find a tut if you are a beginner, so I will try to write all my tuts so the beginner can learn and follow along. There will be lots of screen shots to make it easier on you. I apologize to the experienced taggers, but I think that it is good to help out the beginners all we can. Thanks for understanding.

