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Blog Archive
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Hello, I am back for now. My arm is still not doing right. I now have a bone stimilater on for 10 hours a day. This sends electric impulses to the bone to help it heal faster. I don't feel anything but it makes my arm tired. I can hear it clicking when it is on. Boy am I glad I have insurance, this machine costs $5000 and I won't have to pay anything for it, the insurance will cover it all. When I broke my arm they didn't check my shoulder and it was giving me more and more fits, so they did a bone scan and found some hot spots that showed where it was not mending correctly and my shoulder was a big hot spot. So I had an MRI of my shoulder done. I didn't tear any ligaments or my ACL, but I wrenched my shoulder. Doctor gave me a shot of cortisone in the shoulder and I will get another one in December. He wants to try this way before he does surgery again. I am probably looking at one more surgery on my elbow, to take out a bit of the hardware, but he wants to wait at least a year before he does that. So I get to be in pain longer now, fun, fun. NOT.
I had my hernia repaired September 19 and on the 20th I fell again. I was staying at Mom's and she was at work. I laid on the floor for about an hour before she got home, I hurt like hell. I called my surgeon and he said that if the staples didn't pop open I was ok, then I called my bone doctor and he called a doctor in Salina where I was staying to check my arm and I didn't rebreak anything. I was so releived. I didn't want to rebreak the arm again.
This past 2 weeks I have been in contact with 2 of my high school classmates. It was so good to hear from them again, it has been 18 years since I was in contact with them and then to talk to 2 of them in 2 weeks was exciting. We are talking about the whole class getting together again soon. 18 years between get-togethers is too long. We have lost 2 classmates, and we need to re-connect before we lose anyone else.
Well, I need to get this posted. Will be posting another tut shortly.
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A note
I remember what it was like when just starting out in Paint Shop Pro. There are lots of wonderful tuts out there, but most of them are for experienced taggers. It is hard to find a tut if you are a beginner, so I will try to write all my tuts so the beginner can learn and follow along. There will be lots of screen shots to make it easier on you. I apologize to the experienced taggers, but I think that it is good to help out the beginners all we can. Thanks for understanding.